lineage rules

Single Lineage Rules

People share various traits throughout their family and community. These traits can be passed on from generation to generation. When you make your Character pick one of these Lineage lines to help create a unique character and back story.

Each Lineage line has five traits that can be used as passive skills that have no limit on how many times a day they can be used. As they are part of you and are constantly active.

Multi-Lineage Rules

When making a character you may want to add multiple traits from various Lineages, and you can do this. Maybe one of your parents was an Elf and the other a Gigas. You can take from both lists up to a total of five traits to create your unique character Lineage.

Furthermore, certain traits may even skip generations. Say both of your parents are Dwarves and you have your father's eyes and your mother's nose, but you also have your grandfather's fangs. As your Grandfather was an Ogre.

You can add a single trait from another lineage as a recessive trait that skipped your parents but was passed onto you.


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